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Leadership Augmentation
IT Controls Development
IT Project Management
Vendor Management


Your bank has taken on an aggressive move towards cloud services and has found itself overwhelmed by unforeseen complexity.


Services Provided:

Echo Lake Consulting is engaged to coordinate and/or project manage the migration of services to the cloud, working with existing IT staff or vetting and sourcing quality external contractors.


Your bank has done it's best to manage vendors but the vendor management program no longer meets regulator expectations. A more advanced program and tracking system needs to be determined to adhere to regulatory guidance.


Services Provided:

Echo Lake Consulting is engaged to assess the current vendor management process and recommend alternative solutions based on regulatory requirements. We develop an enhanced vendor management program, communicate and train stakeholders.


Your bank has undergone a regulatory exam resulting in many findings that require immediate attention.  IT leadership is stretched thin with other initiatives and is struggling to find the time to focus on these findings.


Service Provided:

Echo Lake Consulting is engaged to assist with the strategy, coordination of closure for in scope findings, and communication to C-level leadership.


Your bank's IT Director has resigned.  Due to the amount of time it takes to fill the requisition, the importance of maintaining operations, and moving along with projects in flight, the bank needs help... quick!


Service Provided:

Echo Lake Consulting provides temporary bank focused IT leadership until the position is filled, quickly getting up to speed and understanding your immediate and long term challenges.

Engagement examples where Echo Lake Consulting can help...

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